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Get Involved

Join us in our mission of empowering the next generation to live healthier, more prosperous lives through sustainable agriculture and farm-based education! From volunteer hours to donor contributions, we rely on community support to make our work possible. Thank you for your support! 


Our volunteers make our work possible while learning about sustainable growing practices and enjoying the farm in the company of new friends!



Help City Farm SLO grow the next generation of scientists, sustainable farmers, environmentalists, and change-makers. Your contribution allows our regenerative farm to educate SLO County Youth and community members with farm-based, hands-on programming.

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Tenant Farming

City Farm SLO offers affordable farmland leases to small, independent organic farmers to promote sustainable agriculture and bolster the local food system. 

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Private Tours & Parties

Experience City Farm SLO by booking a Private Tour or Party, ideal for small groups and families! Dive into regenerative agriculture, visit our friendly sheep and chickens, embark on a taste tour, and engage in hands-on farm projects. 

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City Farm SLO brings together people of all backgrounds to celebrate food and farming. Join us for seasonal events, workshops, and festivals. 


Stay Connected to the Farm!

Join our mailing list and receive monthly farm updates to your inbox. Follow us on social media for frequent pictures and stories as they unfold.

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